I Want My Family to See Their History

A couple years ago, a nephew was visiting from Vermont and spotted this family bible. His eyes really lit up as he realized what he was seeing, a record of the lives of his forebears dating back to the early 19th century.
I have three siblings, four first cousins, three uncles, and numerous nieces, nephews, etc. But I am not sure that any of them know much about their family history. Do they know that they have forebears that fought for independence, then for and against secession? One forebear was a merchant on the North Dakota frontier and was respected by the Native Americans that traded with him. Another was a successful businessman and philanthropist in New Orleans. Another loaned a man a horse so he could travel to California and mine for gold. The man returned the horse and brought her a gold nugget. Do they know that our lines go back to northern Europe or that one includes the Bishop of Londonderry (Northern) Ireland who was killed at the Battle of the Boyne in 1690 (of whom we have a portrait)?
My mother and father and their parents saved a lot of material that tells the family story. What typically happens is that one child becomes the ultimate caretaker and other family members have little chance to learn about their family history. I am that caretaker for now.
Family documents and images give shape to our lives and reflect who we are: personalities, interests, values, activities and relationships. I want my entire family to be able to learn, study and do further research on our collective history. I want our documents and images to be available to everyone. This desire of mine is the foundation on which HeirShare began. The task of reviewing, organizing and scanning boxes of material can be daunting and intimidating. HeirShare will do that for you.
These materials degrade every year due to chemicals in the material and the storage environment. HeirShare will use the proper storage supplies to extend that life as long as possible.
Is the material backed up in case of catastrophic loss? HeirShare will create an electronic backup of all selected material that can be kept in a separate and safe place.
HeirShare will also set up a private cloud storage site that can be shared with specific individuals such as all family members.
Our mission is to conserve and protect your family’s historical treasures and share them to help other family members learn, research and enjoy them.
Adair Watters